A Historical Tour of 1900 Metcalfe, Ontario. Metcalfe, ON: Metcalfe Women’s Institute/Osgoode Township Museum, 1996-2011. ISBN 0-9680882-0-1. 18 pages.
“This historical tour will take you past the finest village buildings which survive from a hundred years ago and more, most of which are still thriving institutions or businesses. Only two of the buildings chosen are no longer standing – the Commercial Hotel, where Victoria Park is now, and the Continuation School, where Metcalfe Public School is now. The remaining buildings have all had renovations, but a close look will find many features visible from an earlier day that can help us to imagine what an earlier economy and social life was like. …. In a world which is changing so rapidly, it is important to pause and take stock of our past to appreciate how the strengths of our smaller communities have developed, and to think about how they can be maintained.”
Originally written twenty years ago as a walking-tour guide, the history told in this booklet remains relevant. All the buildings still stand and most remain open to the public.
The guide provides an easy introduction to the history of the village, and will appeal to both long time residents, and visitors to the community.
Order from the Osgoode Township Museum website.